Links to Some Past Articles
As of today and this hour, I have posted 328 articles on this blog. Here are some highlights since September 2006:
Hand-Holding in Ministry
Coffee and Honey
Remember the Life-Saving Station
Tools, Drools, and Fools
Take Some Steps of FAITH
Seven "E" for a Christ-Centered Community
Going RADical
FAST Thinking
Taming the The Rhinoceros
What Does It Take to Get Good Contacts? ,
Temporal Complexity ,
Scandals and Sandals ,
Goodwill ,
What Are You Selling? ,
How to Be Rigidly Flexible About Time ,
The Hands of Time ,
What About Now? ,
Long Dash ,
Writing Your Own Ticket ,
Humility and Confidence ,
Decisions ,
These Are the Days ,
Setting the Table ,
Notes and Ideas ,
Seven Tenths of a Pound ,
My New Hero ,
People Meeting People ,
Loving People ,
Spring Time in Fresno ,
Losing Heart Is Not an Option ,
God, the Entrepreneur ,
Suze Orman on Self Employment ,
From "The Shoestring Conspiracy(Shoestrings Are Cheap" ,
New Friends ,
Fair Shakes and Residuals ,
Triple Threat ,
Yes, the Sky Is Falling & It's OK ,
A Little Comic Relief for a Saturday ,
Locals of Note ,
Bob Burg on Winning Without Intimidation ,
Good Word for a Project Guy ,
Wendy Says You Need a PHD! ,
"Direct Selling Success in 2007" from"Direct Selling News" ,
Gerald May 1940-2005 ,
Another quote from Gerald May ,
Free Lunches and Networking ,
Sitting Here ,
The Entrepreneurial URGE ,
The Holiness of the Ordinary ,
This Is Not Brain Surgery ... but It Makes Sense ,
Working Pastors ,
Time and Transformation ,
Lyn Perry and Thought Renewal ,
Keep Your Widgets Polished ,
Spelling SALES ,
H.B. London Has Been in My Mail ,
Thoughts on The Fellowship of Joy ,
Sliding Between Parallel Dimensions ,
Thinking Aloud (Allowed) ,
Honor and Horrows ,
Anna Nicole ,
Anne Lamott ,
Entrepreneurial Education ,
Zipper Down on the Highway to WELATH ,
Motives ,
Proverbs 13 for Work, Wealth and Business ,
Hi! A. Tuss ,
Virgnina Tech in the News and In Our Prayers ,
Proverbs 12 for Work, Wealth, and Business ,
More Proverbs on Money and Wealth ,
Wealth Words from Proverbs 10 ,
Should You Consider Network Marketing? ,
Something ,
Learning Curves Are for Exercise ,
From Fire to Abundance ,
Bullet Biting Behaviors ,
Risk ,
Thoughts on Leadership ,
How Big? ,
Smile ,
Becoming REAL ,
What Counts? , \
Do SOMETHING! - Today's Proverb for Work and Wealth
Money - Troubles or Treasures
A Proverb for Anything
Spelling M-O-N-E-Y Biblically
How to Make Someone's Day!
How To Make Someone's D-A-Y Part Two - Spell It!
The Power of Stories
Most Recent Rant on Fresno Famous
Sliding Between Parallel Dimensions
More recent Entries
Let's Get to Church
IVA - A Sweet and Real Lady
Musings - But Not Necessarily Amusing
Differences and Commonalities
Flip the Greatness Switch,
The FLOW of Grace ,
Nor the Memorial of Them Perish ,
Pentecost ,
Social Networks - Are they a FAD?
Take Charge and Win
A Benediction
The Towel Step
Blog Updates from March
Excerpts from Elsewhere in Tom's Cyber Realm
My Series on "The Secret" - A Christian Perspective with care not to throw the baby out with the bath water):
The Secret The Real Secret The Open Secret
Blog Archives Prior to September 2006
Pastor Tom's Journal
The occasional journal of a pastor-writer-motivator observing the wonders and absurdities of life and celebrating the opportunities that abound every day.
And the most recent until I write another entry today:
For Those Who Take Life Too Seriously
Pastor Tom's Look at Luke
Pastor Tom's Comments on Proverbs
- Chapter 7 1 My son, keep my words and store ...
- Proverbs 6 - Reflections Proverbs 6:1-19 Warni...
- Proverbs 5 Summary Lessons
1. Adultery and g... - Proverbs 5
This chapter is about avoiding adultery... - Proverbs 4
There is a bit of a pattern in these v... - Here is another brother, Jaqua, blogging on Prover...
- Proverbs 3
1 My son, forget not my law; but let t...
- Proverbs 2: 7 -22
7He layeth up sound wisdom for...
Pastor Tom's Roman Road
- Romans 1:11-17:11 -For I long to see you, that I m...
- Romans 1:1-7 (NIV) 8First, I thank my God through...
- Notes from My Files
How To Talk to Romans About... - Rough Outline of Romans 1:24-32
Romans 1:24-32 ...
- Roman Road
- If God Gave Up on Us Entirely
Romans 1:24-32 – Th...
- The Bogus Exchange - Romans 1:21-23
21 Because th...
- Romans 1:21 - What We Do with What We Know
- My friend Henry Neufeld has posted a timely articl...
- Romans 1:18-20
18 - For the wrath of God is reveal...
Adventures in Polecat Hollow
- Update on the Leak
- Meter Matters
- Blogger Buzz: There are four lights
- The Dream
- Horses to Water
- Cold May in PCH
- Backing Up to go Forward
- Uncle Hinky was delighted to hear the news Buster ...
- Good News
- Introducing Uncle Hinky
Entrepreneur's Table
- I must admit I get a little perturbed when people ...
- My Health and Wellness Journal
While I write abou... - There is some wonderful and thoughtful material on...
- "Entrepreneur" comes from the French word for unde...
- It Takes Time
We previously discussed the "EYE"s ...
- Novel Journey: It Takes Practice!: "
Proverbs 13:4... - Cravings Vs. Desire
Below is an excerpt from my a...
The Shoestring Conspiracy
- Broken Shoestrings
- The Art of Amazement Blog
- When Things Don't Add Up
- Broken Shoestrings
- Loose Shoestrings
- Partner Blog
- Senior Adults
- If You Feed Them
- Brokering Minstries
- Empowering
Pastor Tom's Garden of Sermon Seeds & Sprouts
- I am really not sure who gets credit for these. So...
- Jesus’ Baptism and What It Means to Us. (Mark 1:...
- I regularly receive good humar infusions by subscr...
- Home
_______________________... - Transforming Sermons
Milton Stanley does a fine jo...
VAST Possibilities
- Valuing What Is Valuable
- Workshop Outline
- The Road to Success
- A New Pattern
- What Are VAST Possibilities?
Transformational Communities
- Paradox
- A Burning Bush
- URBANarmy: Lost Themes of Mission - Shalom...
- DURABLE DATA: "Transformation" Rebranding Reminds: All Denominations are Parachurch Organizations
- Culture Watch: Thoughts of a Constructive Curmudgeon: Os on Target--Again.
- ROOTS Church
- Building a Christ Centered Community for Transformation
The Clogger Blogger
- Jeremy Wright: Blog Marketing Wright, whose per...
- The Ooze Annual Blog Tools Roundup is sort of old,...
- At the risk of putting myself out of busisness bef...
- I will be using this blog to write hints for navig...