Music Feed


Mozart was born 250 years ago this past week. His was among the  grandest, most emotionally charged, complex, sophisticated, yet simply delightful music of all time.

Lately, I have been fascinated by the role his wife Constanze played in keeping his work alive and accessible.

Mozart's music has a stimulating effect on me. It is difficult to conceive of so much depth in a man who died so young. I suspect that the notes on the page tell more about the inner life of the man than anything else that can be said about his life.

Check out The Mozart Project for quite a few excellent articles in one place. One article in praticular, challenges some of the assumptions of the moview Amadeus about his life. While it was a wonderful movie and responsible for creating new interest in a younger generation in Mozart, it is good to set the record straight historically:  Amadeus and Mozart: Setting the Record Straight" by A. Peter Brown.

We are discussing Mozart's life and legacy in both the Religion and Fellowship Fora.