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The Humor Thread So Far

Christian Fellowship Forum

The Fellowship Hall: Thread #117209

What is the role of humor in your lif...

1 Jul-31   From: WizopTom Sims  To: All
  Q: What is the role of humor in your life as a Christian?
2 Jul-31   From: WizopTom Sims  To: All
  OK you silly bone souls!

It is summer and as long as you have your shoes off, we might as well tickle each others' feet.

Who cares if I spell "such" and "siuch." Flow with the new word.

What tickles your funny bone?

Have at it.

A merry heart does good like medicine.
3 Jul-31   From: dippitydodiane  To: WizopTom Sims
  I like the new poll! :)
4 Aug-1   From: Deb  To: WizopTom Sims

<OK you silly bone souls!

It is summer and as long as you have your shoes off, we might as well tickle each others' feet.

Who cares if I spell "such" and "siuch." Flow with the new word.

What tickles your funny bone?

Have at it.

A merry heart does good like medicine.>

LOL~~Your little post here was enough to tickle my funny bone! That's why I love this place.

I especially get a kick out of posts that are meant to be serious, but come across funny for some reason (maybe a typing or spelling error that changes the meaning of the sentence). Father Jim did a cute one once that really cracked me up. I don't think I'll remention it unless he wants me to.

5 Aug-1   From: Brenda  To: dippitydodiane

I think a good question would be, in what Orthodox Church do you see more laughing?


6 Aug-1   From: Brenda  To: WizopTom Sims

I can truly see Jesus laughing when I think of the little children gathering around him.

Children will laugh at little things or nothing at all. Maybe that is why some people will say: “He is in his second childhood.“ I see the laughing in the very young and the very old.

Now, if you are just a middle age person and laugh a lot they might say your crazy. If you don’t laugh enough the doctor will say you are depressed and give you a pill. There is no pills for crazy so, that is what I would choose.

I could always imagine Jesus laughing but not his mother.

An example would be when he was lost and they found Him preaching in the temple.

You just know Mary wasn’t laughing but worried.

Or when Jesus would put the animals in the barn and leave the barn door opened. Can’t you just hear Mary saying: “Shut the door!“ “Were you born in a barn?“

Jesus enjoyed relaxing at dinner time on the floor -- adults don’t do that anymore.

He enjoyed having His feet tickled more than worrying about cleaning the house or cooking dinner.

I mean Tom, when you sing “I Got the Joy, Joy, Joy down in my heart…..“ Do you think we aren’t laughing in the Spirit?


7 Aug-1   From: Brenda  To: Deb

I have been to a lot of churches and I can truly say the Pentecostal churches laugh the most.

Wonder which church cries the loudest? Again, I would have to say the Pentecostal. They don’t just dab their eyes with a hanky, (like the Baptist). They just start crying really loud with snot and their makeup all running down their face and can still manage to roll around on the floor and laugh. Lol

The woman that came to Jesus with the problem of blood must have been a Pentecostal. I mean those people could have killed her for being out of the tent in that sickened condition. She just started pushing through the crowd, crawling around to get to Jesus. She had to be a roller.

Some church people just wait around for that once a year revival to act the way the Pentecostals act in each service. Lol

Wouldn’t it be great if we just stopped waiting for Sunday (or in some churches Saturday) until that Spirit of love and laughter visited us? I need at least a daily visit. VBS

Don’t people know that when you get to heaven there isn’t going to be any Baptist, Pentecostal, Catholic or any other of them there “Orthodoxy” religions? There just gona be Christ and them?


8 Aug-1   From: Richard W.  To: Brenda

<<< I think a good question would be, in what Orthodox Church do you see more laughing?

Probably the Russian Orthodox Church.

Richard W.
(I play a pretty good straight man when I want to.)

9 Aug-1   From: Deb  To: Brenda

<I have been to a lot of churches and I can truly say the Pentecostal churches laugh the most. >

Baptists do too, just not during the service. :-)

<Wonder which church cries the loudest? Again, I would have to say the Pentecostal. They don’t just dab their eyes with a hanky, (like the Baptist). They just start crying really loud with snot and their makeup all running down their face and can still manage to roll around on the floor and laugh. Lol >

Oh, you brat! ;-)

<The woman that came to Jesus with the problem of blood must have been a Pentecostal. I mean those people could have killed her for being out of the tent in that sickened condition. She just started pushing through the crowd, crawling around to get to Jesus. She had to be a roller. >

Whatever it takes.

<Some church people just wait around for that once a year revival to act the way the Pentecostals act in each service. Lol >

I think you hit the nail on the head

<Wouldn’t it be great if we just stopped waiting for Sunday (or in some churches Saturday) until that Spirit of love and laughter visited us? I need at least a daily visit. VBS>

Yes, you did hit the nail on the head. Speaking of VBS, ours is coming right up--gotta get studying.

<Don’t people know that when you get to heaven there isn’t going to be any Baptist, Pentecostal, Catholic or any other of them there “Orthodoxy” religions? There just gonna be Christ and them? >

Yes, no matter which style, we'll be worshipping in spirit and in truth

10 Aug-1   From: dotcira  To: WizopTom Sims

To All:

Laughter is a gift from God and truly lightens things up and lifts the spirit!

Every Wednesday, straight from morning Mass, a group of about six of us go out for breakfast together at a local restaurant.

I think the group of us laugh the loudest there! Even the waitresses enjoy waiting on us and taking part in the fun. We are all senior citizens and joke about the aging process and all our foibles. We can be pretty serious about our conversations as well, sharing about our various ministries and activities, but it is always interjected with something funny.

I can't imagine what this world would be like without the gift of humor. Thank you Lord!



11 Aug-1   From: Cheryl S/L-Reading & Listening Room  To: WizopTom Sims

Hi, Tom--

I'm the only one, so far, who voted for the last one. Remember the movie "Mary Poppins"? When I was a kid, I loved that movie and we had the soundtrack. I LOVED the song "I Love to Laugh" (along with "Supercalfragliciousexpealadochous" <spelling?>). There is (almost) nothing more satisfying to me than having a great big ol' belly laugh. Two friends, whom I have retained since we were 12 -13 years of age, both have great senses of humor and are "performers" -- I'm a great audience if someone is actually funny <s>.

The best times I can remember with my family are the ones where we laughed so much we almost could not breathe! We still can get to that point, even now. My dad's sense of humor carried us all through his trips to the hospital over the last decade or so. It really can be a life-saver in tense situations. My mom and brother are like a comedy team. Sometimes my mom will give an outragous opinion and I suspect she's trying to get my brother to respond to her comment in his absurd and dry way. It reminds me of another duo on this forum ;-)

I still can find something so funny that I laugh at myself laughing so much. I had a recent dream where I was talking to someone in the dream, cracked up about the conversation and woke myself up by laughing -- that was a first!

Whether it's a Christian issue it depends on what someone laughts at, I suppose. I regret that I've laughed at something that was said at the expense of someone else -- it may have been funny, but was not kind and I want to avoid that.



12 Aug-1   From: Janet  To: Cheryl S/L-Reading & Listening Room
  >>Sometimes my mom will give an outragous opinion and I suspect she's trying to get my brother to respond to her comment in his absurd and dry way. It reminds me of another duo on this forum<<

Do tell.

13 Aug-1   From: Harold  To: WizopTom Sims

Who in the world would consider himself 'humorless'?
Life is way to short to be like that. If I took everything seriously,
I probably wouldn't be here, now. Thinking back over twenty years of the
USN, I have to really try hard to find something serious. Mostly it was a
blast. So is this forum. Oh, there are moments. Like the boss mis
spelling a word or two.


14 Aug-1   From: Found Said  To: Harold

<<Who in the world would consider himself 'humorless'?>>

mmmm, guessing tommy.

<< Mostly it was a blast. So is this forum.>>

Dem bones dem bones dem dryyyyyyyy bones.


15 Aug-1   From: Richard W.  To: Found Said

<<< mmmm, guessing tommy.

That was ... me.

Somebody has to play the straight man part! I figured it was my turn to do that. <g>

Richard W.
16 Aug-1   From: Harold  To: Found Said

>> guessing tommy. <<"

Nah. He is 'tongue in cheek' type. I see through his humor.
Someone else?


17 Aug-1   From: Cheryl S/L-Reading & Listening Room  To: Janet

> Do tell. <

Clue: Burns and Allen
18 Aug-1   From: Janet  To: Cheryl S/L-Reading & Listening Room
  >Clue: Burns and Allen<<

Say outrageous things to provoke a response? Moi?!?

19 Aug-1   From: Found Said  To: Richard W.

<<That was ... me.>>

That's a relief. <s>

<<Somebody has to play the straight man part! I figured it was my turn to do that. <g>>>

Cheers! <g>

20 Aug-1   From: Cheryl S/L-Reading & Listening Room  To: Janet

C >>Clue: Burns and Allen<<

J >Say outrageous things to provoke a response? Moi?!? <

Actually, it's the other way around -- although I don't think your partner in humor means to provoke a humorous reply from you but that's what happens most times after she posts.

Btw, where are you Judith? We miss you! <S>



21 Aug-1   From: Found Said  To: Harold

<<I see through his humor.>>


<<Someone else?>>

nope, richard fessed up!

22 Aug-1   From: Janet  To: Cheryl S/L-Reading & Listening Room
  >>Actually, it's the other way around -- although I don't think your partner in humor means to provoke a humorous reply from you but that's what happens most times after she posts<<

Ah. If I hadn't been having a sugar low, I'd have caught that.

P.S. I miss her too!

23 Aug-1   From: Harold  To: Found Said

>>nope, richard fessed up!<<

Richard????? Not our Richard W.??? I would have guess you before


24 Aug-1   From: lrschrs  To: WizopTom Sims

I think the resoration of an ordinate sense of humor is a mark of the Christian.

One can sometimes 'feel' the health of a church by walking into a social event and just tuning the ear to the nature of the 'laughter'. Either none, a dull dead somber coldness, or a shrill phoney 'worldly like' false front heard is often a sign of a spiritual problem in the group. But a good sense of delight in each other, God, and our world is quite often a good first indicator of both the orthodoxy and health of a congragation. Of course cultures and church styles vary, but I find this is often the case.

C.S. Lewis wrote of this experience when he quipped that when they were at the pub and having a good old time laughing and all people would think 'we were talking bawd' when in fact they were delighting in a theological issue!

But a lot of the problem is that the world will use laughter to escape from relaity rather than to engage it. Prov. 29:9.

To me most of what passes for 'comedy' today simply is not at all funny, it has no sense of the incongruity that makes for real hymor, no sense of the ironic, it is just one verbal assault after another, one cheap shot after another. A little kid, or a preacher, coming out once with a potty mouth word in an utterly unexpected way can be very funny, repeating them over and over is just crass.

The real help a sense of humor gives us is when it teaches us never to be serious about ourselves, for we know full we;; we are going to fall flat on our noses at times, and you have to laugh or cry then. Today people cry and whine about themselves too much, and so they can't have any left over seriousness for that which should be taken with all seriousness.

25 Aug-1   From: raven  To: Brenda

the Pentecostal. They don’t just dab their eyes with a hanky, (like the Baptist). They just start crying really loud with snot and their makeup all running down their face and can still manage to roll around on the floor and laugh.

One thing you can probably say about their pews then is "PHEW".


26 Aug-2   From: WizopTom Sims  To: Deb
  >>I especially get a kick out of posts that are meant to be serious, but come across funny for some reason <<

Serious things are the best sources of humor.

I get a good laugh our of it when I catch myself taking myself too seriously.
27 Aug-2   From: WizopTom Sims  To: dippitydodiane
  >> I like the new poll.<<

With what shall we decorate it then?

28 Aug-2   From: WizopTom Sims  To: Brenda
  Orthodox? Funny?

Jump in here those who you to whom the stereotype applies.
29 Aug-2   From: WizopTom Sims  To: Brenda
  Yes - laughing to "joy, joy, joy." That's me.

Jesus had to laugh with the kids because they were most likely tickling his ribs, pulling his beard, and drooling all over him ... AND HE LIKED IT!

When he spoke of the camel going through the eye of the needle, he was using subtle humor to make a point.

I can easily see Jesus laughing ... certainly with the tax collectors and sinners ... certainly with the disciples.

And the God who made cute animals and cuter babies is a chuckling Sovereign who invites us into His presence of Joy.
30 Aug-2   From: WizopTom Sims  To: dotcira
  I have had some of my best laughs with groups of silly seniors.

31 Aug-2   From: WizopTom Sims  To: Cheryl S/L-Reading & Listening Room
  Laughing dreams!

That is a good sign!!!!
32 Aug-2   From: WizopTom Sims  To: Harold
  >>Like the boss mis
spelling a word or two.<<

Now that can really be funniey <s>.
33 Aug-2   From: WizopTom Sims  To: lrschrs
  >>A little kid, or a preacher, coming out once with a potty mouth word in an utterly unexpected way can be very funny, repeating them over and over is just crass.<<

Good disctinction.
34 Aug-2   From: Harold  To: WizopTom Sims

>>A little kid, or a preacher, coming out once with a potty mouth
word in an utterly unexpected way can be very funny, repeating
them over and over is just crass.<<

I must disagree with that one. Any kid or preacher of mine would
not ever have a second chance at that. Not in my church. That sort
of language only shows a lot of ignorance on the part of the one
who taught the words. The industry calls it "Adult language."
I disagree with that, too. More like "Gutter language". I don't
know very many adults that talk like that. Even with twenty years
in the Navy.
Our preacher once was telling a story of someone like that, and
mentioned that the guy cussed like a sailor. I stood up, in
church, and made him retract that. He did.


35 Aug-2   From: Found Said  To: Harold

<< I would have guess you before him.>>

Heavens know. I voted for laughter is a celebration of Christ's life in me.


36 Aug-2   From: Found Said  To: lrschrs

<<But a good sense of delight in each other, God, and our world is quite often a good first indicator of both the orthodoxy and health of a congragation.>>

Amen! Good post!

37 Aug-2   From: Harold  To: Found Said

>>Heavens know. I voted for laughter is a celebration of
Christ's life in me.>>

I am glad. I thought over my answer and thought it might sound
a little strong. I surely didn't mean that you don't have a
sense of humor. Every one really needs one. God sure does have
that sense of humor. Look around.


38 Aug-2   From: Janet  To: WizopTom Sims
  >>Serious things are the best sources of humor.<<

Comedy is the handmaiden of drama.

39 Aug-2   From: WizopTom Sims  To: Harold
  >>I must disagree with that one.<<

I think I was actually back quoting someone else and the part I agreed with was that it becomes crass.

- Tom
40 Aug-2   From: Deb  To: WizopTom Sims

>>I especially get a kick out of posts that are meant to be serious, but come across funny for some reason <<

<Serious things are the best sources of humor.

I get a good laugh our of it when I catch myself taking myself too seriously.>

Yes. I don't take myself too seriously that often.

The worst time to get the sillies is at a funeral. But it's happened to me in church.The pastors were not always amused. :-?

41 Aug-2   From: Martin Y  To: WizopTom Sims

I do hate these quizzes where none of the answers fits!! <G>

I think that anyone who can conjure up the vision of a guy with a dirty great lump of wood sticking out of his eye offering to get a tiny splinter out of his neighbour's eye must have a great sense of humour. So Christ had a sense humour and I think we can assume that the other two persons did as well. So I imagine that it is perfectly in order for us to find things funny <whisper>and even have humour occasionally in a sermon to make a point </whisper>

42 Aug-2   From: dippitydodiane  To: Brenda

>>>>I think a good question would be, in what Orthodox Church do you see more laughing?

I've only been in Protestant & Full Gospel churches, and I've found the humor level satisfactory. Some room for improvement though.

Here's something amusing, interesting that I saw recently in the phone book:

The different classifications of "Baptist"

ABA Baptist
Full Gospel "
General "
Independent "
Missionary "
Reformed "
Southern "

What are they independent of?
What are they reformed of?
Are there "Northern" Baptists?
1/2 Gospel?
1/4 Gospel?
Specific Baptist?

I even found a "Primitive Baptist Church"


43 Aug-2   From: Janet  To: dippitydodiane
  >>I even found a "Primitive Baptist Church" ??<<

These are also known as Hardshell Baptists. They believe so strongly in the Presbyterian concept of predestination that they forswear any kind of missionary activity at all in the belief that if one is not predestined for salvation, nothing anybody can say or do will bring it about. If one is predestined for salvation, likewise it will happen without intervention from anybody else.

44 Aug-2   From: Cheryl S/L-Reading & Listening Room  To: Janet

> These are also known as Hardshell Baptists. They believe so strongly in the Presbyterian concept of predestination that they forswear any kind of missionary activity at all in the belief that if one is not predestined for salvation, nothing anybody can say or do will bring it about. If one is predestined for salvation, likewise it will happen without intervention from anybody else. <

I wonder what they think of Jesus saying "go and make disciples"? Maybe they think it means only the people who happen to stumble over the threshold of their church. It reminds me of something that happened in our church. We have an official Outreach Mission in our congregation but it's hard to convince some of the cradle roll Lutherans.

Our church doors are usually locked during the week because the office is not in eye-sight of the sancutary. Those who have a reason to be there have keys -- except on Tuesdays, when there is Bible Study, so the doors are left unlocked. When we were leaving Bible Study, we met a weepy woman who seemed confused, needed a ride home and was obviously drunk or high. One of the women in our study and the Pastor got her home (she did live nearby). Later in the week we were telling this story to a group of women in the church in order to pray for her, when one quipped, "See -- we don't need to do outreach -- they'll come to us." <S> She was kidding...sort of.


45 Aug-2   From: Janet  To: Cheryl S/L-Reading & Listening Room
  >>I wonder what they think of Jesus saying "go and make disciples"?<<

Not much, I suspect. This is why the number of Primitive Baptists worldwide is on the low side of, say, ten or so.

46 Aug-2   From: lrschrs  To: WizopTom Sims
  A good book on the theme is Elton Trueblood's classic THE HUMOR OF CHRIST. Ironicly it is a sort of 'serious' look at how He uses humor to teach, but it does have a good point to make.
47 Aug-2   From: Brenda  To: dippitydodiane

Just ask me I’ve got a million on them….lol

Southern Baptist under SB Convention (SBC) is a US-based cooperative ministry agency serving Baptist churches around the world.

Then you have the Baptist Babble Fellowship, for pastors only. (Falwell, for an example). They are affiliated with the SBC.

Independent Baptist (also referred to Fundamental Baptist, or IFB) the "iffers" are churches holding to Baptist beliefs but are characterized by being independent from the authority of denominations and church councils. Reformed Baptists (½) lol….are the ones that were not certain if they wanted to be Baptists or Calvinists so they declared they are both.

I think they hold fast to the 1644 or 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. They can trace their history through the early modern Particular Baptists of England.

Primitive Baptists (¼) have a historical connection to the missionary/anti missionary dividing Baptists of America in the early part of the 19th century. They could also be called the “Old Time Baptists”…but I might be mistaken on that one.

Free Will Baptist Church (or Free Will Baptists) is a group of churches that share a common history, name, and an acceptance of the Arminian theology of free grace, free salvation, and free will, based on the idea of general atonement but they will pick your pocket for the good of God before you get out of service.

If you want to see miracles happen go to any Baptist Church. I went there one day for prayer. I had terrible leg cramps. They bear hugged me to the floor and my legs didn’t hurt anymore….until I got up. Lol

I would really have to say the Baptist churches I have been to are the most friendly. They hug up on you, fed you and then make you listen.

They never tell the mamas with those crying babies to leave the service either cause their pastors are very skillfull in preaching right over any loud emotions.


48 Aug-2   From: Found Said  To: Harold

<<I surely didn't mean that you don't have a sense of humor.>>

That's alright, Harold. It's understandable.

49 Aug-2   From: lrschrs  To: Harold

A preacher is also a human being, and if we place him, or ourselves, outside the sphere of common human ineptness and folly we set up an idol.

The preacher in that sort of case may have retracted what he said, I would never do that, but some would, but I suspect he also wished you to go to a place you don't really believe exists, and quickly at that.

That is because while a verbal reference to the sin of cussing may seem out of place in a sermon against it, or in an illustration fo sin, to some people, I think all really human people would find interupting any speaker to gripe about it to be arrogant and uncalled for. [now if the man had started cussing like a saior to illustrate what he meant, that might be another story].

Anybody speaking with passion will at some point in time, however 'spiritual' they are, most likely say something not quite right, if one has never ever seen themselves able to do that I suspect their speech is artificially contrived and edited so much beforehand that it is dead and flabby and prissy and utterly powerless. Of course we should striuve not to offend, but heaven help any who are so easily offended they can't think us human and laugh at our folly WITH US rather than stand up as some kind of plastic plaster sueprsaint against the very expression of life.

Real people slip on real verbal banana peels at times. for example I misspelled a word in the sentence "God emptied His bowls of wrath on sin" in this passage, Rev. 16:1ff. [an extra 'e' in the fourth word]. After we all had a good laugh when this was pointe dout one person quipped, 'yes, that tells us God was REALLY mad at sin, doesn't it?' . Life is like that at times.

50 Aug-2   From: Janet  To: Brenda
  >> Baptist Babble Fellowship,<<

Babble?? Is that a typo?

51 Aug-2   From: WizopTom Sims  To: lrschrs
  Trueblood's treatment of this topic is the best I have ever read.

That is true of almost everything he ever tackled in my opinion.

- Tom
52 Aug-3   From: Harold  To: Deb

>>The worst time to get the sillies is at a funeral. But it's
happened to me in church.The pastors were not always amused. :-?>>

It happened to one of our pastors. A friend of mine. He was so
embarrassed. He got tickeled about something before the funeral
started and just could not shake it. He said he tried to make it
look like he was crying. You have to know him to see how that
wouldn't work.


53 Aug-3   From: Harold  To: lrschrs

You are, without a doubt, what this discussion is about. I don't
think I have ever ran accross anyone who can find the least little
bit to twist.

The preacher in question was not the least put out. He laughed
right along with the rest of the congregation. You seem to think
that we all have very thin skins. I think you do. Or is it just
the opposite? Your skin is so thick that you don't feel a thing?


54 Aug-3   From: Deb  To: Harold

>>The worst time to get the sillies is at a funeral. But it's
happened to me in church.The pastors were not always amused. :-?>>

<It happened to one of our pastors. A friend of mine. He was so
embarrassed. He got tickeled about something before the funeral started and just could not shake it. He said he tried to make it look like he was crying. You have to know him to see how that wouldn't work.>

:-D Poor guy! I might have started crying of embarassment. Was he doing the service?

55 Aug-3   From: Cheryl S/L-Reading & Listening Room  To: Deb

> The worst time to get the sillies is at a funeral. But it's happened to me in church.The pastors were not always amused. :-? <

Reminds me of the Mary Tyler Moore show where the TV cast and crew attend the funeral of Chuckles the Clown. Mary just could not stop giggling. She had it controlled until someone read a tribute to Chuckles which said "A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants" and she lost it. <s>


56 Aug-3   From: Deb  To: Cheryl S/L-Reading & Listening Room

> The worst time to get the sillies is at a funeral. But it's happened to me in church.The pastors were not always amused. :-? <

<Reminds me of the Mary Tyler Moore show where the TV cast and crew attend the funeral of Chuckles the Clown. Mary just could not stop giggling. She had it controlled until someone read a tribute to Chuckles which said "A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants" and she lost it. <s>>

Omigosh <G>

57 Aug-3   From: Cheryl S/L-Reading & Listening Room  To: Deb


58 Aug-3   From: Harold  To: Deb

>>Poor guy! I might have started crying of embarassment.
Was he doing the service?>>

Yes. I wish I could remember the details. It had something to do
with something one of the mourners said to him about the deceased.
Somehow, it just broke him up. I know that has happened to you. It
surely has to me. Maybe not at a funeral, but almost as bad.


59 Aug-3   From: Brenda  To: Janet

Babble was suppose to be Bible -- but in real life I just don't understand Jerry F. sometimes. Nothing against him or his cronies.


60 Aug-3   From: Janet  To: Brenda
  >>Babble was suppose to be Bible<<

I asked because some folks think "Babble" is entirely appropriate and accurate.

61 Aug-3   From: Brenda  To: Richard W.

<<Probably the Russian Orthodox Church.>>

I was reading that Russian Orthodox believers are in communion with all other Eastern Orthodox believers.
So, that's a start.


62 Aug-3   From: Brenda  To: Deb

<<Baptists do too, just not during the service. :-)

That's true. Are you back on-line now and puter all fixed?


63 Aug-3   From: Brenda  To: raven

<<One thing you can probably say about their pews then is "PHEW".

I think they could have spent money on other needy things other than the pews afterall they don't sit in their seats very much. lol


64 Aug-3   From: Brenda  To: WizopTom Sims

<<certainly with the disciples.>> Yep especially when they went fishing ... "look world what we caught."


65 Aug-3   From: Brenda  To: Janet

Edward Abbey "The missionaries go forth to Christianize the savages-- as if the savages weren't dangerous enough already."

There are several Appalachian Mountain churches that still today use snakes in their services, encourages laying hands on the sick, speak in tongues, provide testimony miracles. I mean you can not walk in and walk out the same way. Lol

They have strict dress code such as uncut hair, no cosmetics (they would change their mind on that one if they seen me in the morning).

Short hair and long sleeved shirts for men. Men only preach. No tobacco or alcohol. Some abstain from holidays such as birthdays and Christmas because they can’t agree which day Jesus was born on. I guess some just prefer not to have any Spirit at their weddings. lol


66 Aug-3   From: Deb  To: Brenda

<<Baptists do too, just not during the service. :-)

<That's true. Are you back on-line now and puter all fixed?>

This is a rental, but it's in the house, so it's easier to be online more often than when we had to go to the library. We have this for 2 weeks, then we'll do some more shopping.

67 Aug-3   From: Brenda  To: Deb

<<We have this for 2 weeks, then we'll do some more shopping.

Sounds like a good fix in a tempo way.


68 Aug-3   From: Deb  To: Brenda

<<We have this for 2 weeks, then we'll do some more shopping.

<Sounds like a good fix in a tempo way>

Yep, we had to have something for Matt to use to fix up his graphic design for the competition.

69 Aug-3   From: Janet  To: Brenda
  >>There are several Appalachian Mountain churches that still today use snakes in their services,<<

I'm against snakes in church. Well, I'm against snakes in general.

70 Aug-4   From: Deb  To: Cheryl S/L-Reading & Listening Room


Thanks for the Chuckles video. :-)

71 Aug-4   From: Deb  To: Harold

>>Poor guy! I might have started crying of embarassment.
Was he doing the service?>>

<Yes. I wish I could remember the details. It had something to do
with something one of the mourners said to him about the deceased.
Somehow, it just broke him up. I know that has happened to you. It
surely has to me. Maybe not at a funeral, but almost as bad>

Yes, I've been there. Once I actually questioned my own sanity, it was that tough to quit laughing. .<s>

72 Aug-4   From: KAT  To: WizopTom Sims
  I have a rather Odd sense of humor... it is wry and dark sometimes and somepeople just don't get me. And I am a Christian <g>

A Little Comic Relief for a Saturday

Just for fun, here is some material from my favorite funny man, Red Skelton, reposted from ...

Thanks to Clown Ministry for these quotes. I am not sure who compiled all of these, but thanks!!! Their site is wonderful. Visit it!!!!!

Red Skelton's Funny Faces

Red Skelton was one of my favorite funny men of all time. He was always clean and always funny. This is a tribute to him, but also a source of some good sermon and teaching material:

Quotes from Red Skelton on clowns, laughter, children, and other topics. Some quotes from Red Skelton's TV show, others from interviews with Red

"God's children and their happiness are my reasons for being"   

"I don't want to be called 'the greatest' or 'one of the greatest'; let other guys claim to be the best. I just want to be known as a clown because to me that's the height of my profession. It means you can do everything-sing, dance, and above all, make people laugh."

"Today's comics use four-letter words as a shortcut to thinking. They're shooting for that big laugh and it becomes a panic thing, using four-letter words to shock people." 

"Mom used to say I didn't run away from home my destiny just caught up with me at an early age."   

Reflecting on his life: "I'd have avoided some of the pain if I could. Anyone would. But I wouldn't have missed knowing any of the people -- even the ones whose leaving hurt most. In fact, the only thing I'm sorry about is that I didn't meet one particular guy, a clown named Joe Skelton. You know, he sure picked the right profession. I mean, a clown's got it all. He never has to hold back: He can do as he pleases. The mouth and the eyes are painted on. So if you wanta cry, you can go right ahead. The make up won't smear. You'll still be smiling. . . ." 

"All men make mistakes, but married men find out about them sooner. " (from "1,911 Best Things Anybody Ever Said," )   

About Freddy the Freeloader: “I get asked all the time; Where did you get the idea for Freddie the Freeloader, and who is Freddie really?

Well, I guess you might say that Freddie the Freeloader is a little bit of you, and a little bit of me, a little bit of all of us, you know.

He’s found out what love means. He knows the value of time. He knows that time is a glutton. We say we don't have time to do this or do that. There's plenty of time. The trick is to apply it. The greatest disease in the world today is procrastination.

And Freddie knows about all these things. And so do you.

He doesn't ask anybody to provide for him, because it would be taken away from you. He doesn't ask for equal rights if it’s going to give up some of yours.

And he knows one thing ... that patriotism is more powerful than guns.

He’s nice to everybody because he was taught that man is made in God’s image. He’s never met God in person and the next fella just might be him.

I would say that Freddie is a little bit of all of us.” (from Red Skelton's Funny Faces video)   

"I only come to life when there are people watching." 

"I'm nuts and I know it. But so long as I make 'em laugh, they ain't going to lock me up. "   

"Our principles are the springs of our actions. Our actions, the springs of our happiness or misery. Too much care, therefore, cannot be taken in forming our principles."   

"His death was the first time that Ed Wynn ever made anyone sad."   

"No matter what your heartache may be, laughing helps you forget it for a few seconds."   

"I personally believe that each of us was put here for a purpose -- to build not to destroy. If I can make people smile, then I have served my purpose for God."   

"Live by this credo: have a little laugh at life and look around you for happiness instead of sadness. Laughter has always brought me out of unhappy situations."

Tools, Drools, and Fools

Funny Day - most of it at St Arbucks (Thanks for the nomenclature, Dave.)

It started with my speech to Toastmaster's about inviting people to Toastmasters - got to do that within the hour.

I met a very inspiring young woman and tried to inspire her a little more.

Also at Starbucks - saw one of my phlebotomists since I was next to the blood bank. I told her (she didn't know me and I just recognized the uniform) that I thought it must be time to give again. She said I ought to wait for a call or card.

The call came first - ten minutes later.

I went in later in the afternoon, but I'd had too much coffee, was dehydrated and I couldn't make the fiftenn minute pump maximum. They said I needed another 3 minutes and had to throw away all that blood - sad since they needed it.

But I did get to tell my story to 4 or 5 people who thought it was odd and wonderful

Also ... I had a nice visit with the E.D., Dean Elder who often and curiously stops by while the blood is being drawn  which sends the ladies with the needles into an unwarranted nervous frenzy. I was once passed through THREE needle stickers.

As it was, Dean had to excuse himself twice to help rescue fainting women. We wondered if maybe he should stay in his office. He did well, though and said it was a very unusual day.

I knew that was true.

Mine was.

Dean is an outstanding guy with a passion for his work, a mission to save lives, and the fond respect of all his staff and volunteers. The Central California Blood Center is one of the best run operations of its kind (or any other) that I know of. Links later.

So far, not so foolish.

I dropped into Office Depot to look at the laptops. Mine is entering old age and needs to a slower pace.

There was a deal I couldn't refuse - DROOL.

But I walked away.

Then I called the one who I thought was most likely to affirm my decision to resist. She said to go back and buy it.  It is a TOOL I can't really do without anymore and if old Bessie goes south without a backup, I'd feel like a FOOL.

Actually, I thought she had died this morning. Everything locked up.

Now that I have a pretender to the throne waiting in the wings, she is working just fine and I am backing everything up.

intersperse all of this with some real work, study, writing, phone calling, prayer, contacts, and clever observations.

I don't k now if this seems interesting to anyone but me, but I am amused and ready to go home for dinner.

Now I am late.