Where There Is Sadness at Christmas, Joy
December 25, 2024
Merry Christmas! May this and every day be a Mass of Christ,
Merry, joyful, and filled with celebration.
May you be blessed today with Light dawning upon your souls.
May you be lifted by the reality and meaning of incarnation that ...
You. like Mary, can carry, in your being, the presence of God ...
May you, your loved ones, and your homes be cauldrons of joy ....
Bubbling out into the streets of your community.
May you join many, as instruments of just and peace,
Inspired by the One from Heaven who embodied all that is Righteous and true.
May you be shaped by love, moved by love, and loved by Love.
May you embrace compassion with all of its pain and joy.
May your heart break for the broken and ...
May it be warmed by giving, understanding, and touching the pain of humanity.
May you envision a new reality through the eyes of God and ...
May that new reality begin to show itself in your life, family, and community.
May you have fun and experience wonder.
May God's grace and mercy cover all of your faults and sins.
May His love envelop you.
May the cross, fitted for your shoulder, be redemptive and purposeful and ....
In fact, may every day of your life be lived in purpose and on purpose.
May you follow Jesus into the highways and into the byways and into the dark ....
Where light dawns.
May this Mass of Christ be a Celebration of Life for you and yours.
All this and more, is what I mean, when, with laughter and tears,
With heart and soul,
I wish you ...
And pray for you ...
Merry Christmas!!!!