If We Are Not Happy with this World
Inch by Inch

We Just Do

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"How shall we sing the Lord’s song
upon an alien soil?" - Psalm 137:4

It was the key theologically reflective question of the period of Exile,

It became the foundational question for a faith that was not centered in place or in a priesthood, but in Word and teaching.

It would not obliterate all theology of place and space, nor of ritual, praxis, or priestly ministry, but it would move the center.

Even after the people returned, reestablished Jerusalem, and the Temple, they would have the Synagogue, gathered around the Torah. Rabbis/Teachers took on new prominence and a great role in shaping faith.

So, when the Romans, centuries later, once and for all, destroyed the Temple, they could not destroy the faith of the people which endures to this day.

"How shall we sing the Lord’s song
upon an alien soil?" - Psalm 137:4

We just do.
