Lazy Bones or maybe It Is Fear
Priorities, Principles, and People from Mark 7

Watching the View

The View - Just Seek


Photo by Tatiana Rodriguez on Unsplash

Popular television shows aside, we are all looking for a view, viewpoint, or overview that begets perspective on lives that are otherwise, quite confusing.

What do we do? What do we think? How do we filter in the essential and out the extraneous?

If everything matters, does nothing truly matter? If nothing matters, why bother?

Well, everything does matter and some things matter more in the moment and the secret is to discern the moment and to be in it.

Then, other moments will gather around the appropriate poles like magnetic dust and form a picture. And wherever you are, the view will be clear.

Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find."

Your task is to find the moments to abandon all tasks and seek.

Just seek. Seekers find. Non-seekers stumble. Grace often intervenes and surprises them - probably because there is something inside all of us that is always seeking. But folks with their eyes and hearts open stand a better chance than the rest of grasping the view at the right moment.

S - Some seek secretly -- and that is OK.

Deuteronomy 29;29 says that "the secret things belong to the Lord, our God. but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law."

Psalm 44.:;21 says that God knows the secrets of the heart. Jesus instructs us to pray in secret. it is there that we can be totally open, honest, and free. No one judges us there and God has no reason to judge us when we are seeking Him.

E - Embrace the essential eagerness of expectancy. Live on tiptoes. In I Corinthians 12:31,

Paul admonished his friends to eagerly seek the greater gifts, but to go beyond even that and seek love. It is love that we seek most earnestly and desperately. It is the source of love for which our hearts long. Embrace that eagerness because it is essential to who you are. In other words, that eagerness to love and be loved is the essence of who you are as a child of God.

E - Entertain everyone and everything without expectations. As you take in ideas, thoughts, people, and events, don't hold anything too tightly and do not be bound by what you expect them to "say" to you. God has surprises for you in life as you seek. Seek in and through whatever comes your way, but without predjudice. Like the psalmist in Psalm 27;4, desire most to seek and gaze. Keep your gaze loose. You will not grow weary or lack good things according to Psalm 34:10.

K - Knock. That is part of the "seek and find' promise.

Along with it comes asking. If something seems resistant to giving up its hidden knowldge, persist, wait, tap on the door, ask questions, and keep probing. Sometimes you are closer to the unfolding of a mystery than you can imagine, but you grow impatient and move on. If you must move on, keep one eyeball on the prize. You have more than two seeking eyes. You have as many as you need. And you have knuckles enough to nag the nobs off of any closed door. Keep seeking.

What is the view from your vantage? It is the advantage of being wherever you are, acknowledging your presence in that place and moment, and availing yourself of the opportunity to seek - then and there in the here and now.

Don't fret over what you do not, as yet, understand. Let some sunshine in and enjoy the view.
