Conspiracy of Love
George Bailey for President

Reflection on a Reflection by E. Stanley Jones

When we analyze the program of Jesus, set forth in Luke 4, we find:
 1. Good news to the poor -- the economically disinherited.
2. Release to the captives -- the socially and politically disinherited.
3. The opening of the eyes of the blind -- the physically disinherited.
4. The setting at liberty the bruised -- the morally and spiritually disinherited.
5. The Lord's Year of Jubilee -- a new beginning on a world scale.
6. The Spirit of the Lord upon me -- the dynamic behind it all.
From "Christ's Alternative to Communism" by E. Stanley Jones
Jones give us a  wonderful reminder of what it means to align with the child in the manger on Christmas morning.
To follow this man, Jesus, means to adopt His program, to enter His kingdom as a child by turning from everything else (repentance). When we make that turn, grace and mercy cover every failed attempt we have ever made to make life meaningful or bearable.
Every sin is obliterated because He carried this entire program to the final degree of obedience unto death.
Following  him  is freedom to bring this same good news of release, sight, liberty, and Jubilee to all for, as the Spirit was upon him, He is with us and within us to accomplish these purposes.
Our hearts and our lives are in lockstep with His heart and life for the poor, the captive, the blind, and the bruised.
We can change things. We can make a difference. It is not all on any of us, but it is upon us all as one people with Him. We will have multiple failures, disappointments, and quite a few successes .... but the walk behind Him is a walk of grace and joy and peace.
Welcome, Jesus! We shall follow you!
