George Bailey for President
Regina's Aria

Flowers of Friendship

A Bouquet of Flowers

"And the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend." Exodus 33:11a

He sent a bouquet of flowers to his friend’s funeral as a token of a lifetime of friendship.

Everyone admired the arrangement and thought what great friends they must have been When we look at such a lovely arrangement in a vase, we enjoy its beauty, but we take some things for granted.

Before those flowers were picked and arranged, each one was caught up in a process of planting, growth, and cultivation to become the thing of beauty sitting in the center of the table.

Great friendships are like flowers. They also must be planted, grown, and cultivated. They must be protected from the encroachment of weeds and from pests that would devour them. Great friendships must be nurtured.

So also, must a friendship with God be nurtured and grown over time.

When men looked back on Moses’ life and his relationship with God, it seemed like a lovely flowering plant with luxurious colors and sweet savory aromas. It was a thing to be admired and appreciated. We take that for granted as well. Moses spoke with God face to face as a friend, but that friendship developed over many years as Moses sought God and God shaped Moses.

We are also called to blossom in our friendship with God. Are you willing to pay the price of time and cultivation? If you are willing to seek Him as Moses did and be shaped by Him as Moses was, you can also be known as a friend of God and bloom for Him.
