“I Have Already Come” All Saints and the Day of the Dead
I Do Not Know

Meetings of the Minds



My opinions are like underarms.
Like most, I have two.
Others are offended by their emanating aroma before I notice
I need opinion hygiene.

To distinguish between
Is no small task.

Politics at its best: collective, collaborative, courteous, and civil communication to solve problems as a people of differing perspectives.

I cannot hear the voices whose volume exceeds their content or whose hyperbolic pronouncements outdistance their capacity to listen.

If I cannot recognize the name you are calling me, how can I know you want me to listen. Name calling accomplishes nothing of good ever.

If I represent Jesus, it may require that I keep my own opinions within the laboratory of my own mind until they are better formulated.

There's no shortage of clever slogans to obscure, marginalize, fragment, & distort the truth they purport to underscore- including this one.

If we can agree we have a problem and agree on some part of what it is and agree we want to solve it, we have made much progress. 75% maybe.

If I say that Z is an unprincipled ignoramus, but Z is holding cards we need for a mutual win, I've gained nothing by winning that battle.

There must be some detente if there is going to be any negotiation. Negotiators do not compromise principles. They start with common ground.

Standing one's ground may lead to necessary impasse, but one never knows until common ground us sought and all voices have been heard.

Meetings of minds are superfluous among clones, but essential to the fluid thoughts of intersecting individuals crossroading life's journey.

So, let's meet. Reflections on Buber.

As I was walking to St Joe,
I met a man with a broken toe.
He knew some things I did not know,
Which I suppose just goes to show ....

If you fear me
When you see me
And I, in turn, fear you,
The spiral of
Would be the envy
Of roller coaster

If making up my mind is like making up my bed, it won't last long ... or I will be too sleep deprived to remember anyway.
