Believe and Be Saved
August 03, 2023
And they said, “Believe on the Lord, Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.”Acts 16:31
Here is an acronym for what it means to have saving faith:
B- Be convinced of the gospel message for your life: God loves you. Jesus died for you. Your sins are forgiven. Jesus’ resurrection is your promise of eternal life. This is the gospel
E– Examine your life honestly in the light of God’s living and written Word and admit your need of a Savior as a result of a broken relationship with God and others. The Holy Spirit will guide you through this process of conviction if you are open.
L– Let go of your sinful resistance and self-centered control of your life. Another word for this is repentance, a turning from sin, self, self-delusion, and deception to God. This is a turn-around in your mind, will, and actions made possible by grace.
I– Invest your life completely in God. This is basic, gut-level trust and is necessary for the new life in Christ. One way to express this change of heart to God is prayer – an honest and simple out-pouring of your soul to God.
E– Eternalize your values. Stop adding up your assets the old way. Understand that eternal reality is true reality and that only what lasts forever is worth our lives.
V– Visualize a new life of freedom, forgiveness, and fullness based upon God’s grace, mercy, and power. This is the beginning of the exercise of faith in your life.
E– Embody the life of Christ within you by receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit, his indwelling presence. This is new birth.