Holy Saturday Meditations

Sufficiency in All Things

At the end of the road, there is an unexpected bend and the road continues.


Photo by Jack Woodward on Unsplash


"And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." - II Corinthians 9:8

In the KJV, this verse reads that folks, blessed by God will have "sufficiency in all things" so that they may "abound to every good work."

In these days of perceived deprivation and desperate anxiety over economic concerns, one takes comfort in knowing that God always resources His mission. That includes His calling for you and mission for your life, for His church, for His sacred work in the "secular" arena, and for the totality of His Kingdom enterprise.

"Thy Kingdom come" is shortly followed by, "Give us this day our daily bread."

The sufficiency promised was an assurance given to a group of poor but generous believers whose hearts were touched by the needs of their starving spiritual siblings separated by miles, language, and culture. They begged to give and the Apostle Paul encouraged them that God would supply them with that ability and with their own needs.

In fact, they would abound. Sufficiency is one thing, but abundance is a step beyond.

At energy's end, resource depletion, and the deserts where new ideas are like dry river beds, God is able.

At the end of the road, there is an unexpected bend and the road continues.

At the intersection of hopelessness and despair, there is an encouraging word.

In the pits of despondency, the caves of darkness, and on the very gallows of death, God shows up with something new to renew us.

We have experienced a season on Lent, which comes, etymologically, in the lengthening of days when the doors seemed to be closing on the life, mission, and ministry of Jesus - when in reality, his reach was extending. Things are not always as they seem.

When our own capacity is spent, God is only beginning to reach into His wallet of possibilities to supply His sufficiency to abound.

