April 22, 2023
Photo by Alexandra Mirgheș on Unsplash
I do not use the ANGRY button on social media much.
Is it because I never get angry?
No. I get angry.
I just do not stay hot and angry. My body does not take the temperature well and I do not have the energy to sustain it.
I process it. I let it do its job. I allow it to motivate me to change things. I do not let it get its claws and teeth in me and suck the blood out of my veins..
Anger is a very useful emotion if we use it and do not let it use us.
It can be a helpful visitor, but I am not about to let it move in and use up room that I could use for something more productive.
How do I manage to have an attitude like that?
It is not by being a super-human or a pious monk. It is, in fact, somewhat selfish. I don't like the way anger makes me feel.
So, I remember that, in the history of my life, if I could last longer than any attacker, I won.
Also, if I stood for truth long enough, the truth would show itself.
Furthermore, critics do not get a vote in the lection where my value as a human being is determined.
Next, I do not have to answer those who object to my opinions, the course of my life, or my choices. I do not have to argue, convince, or relent.
I have come to realize that we are all flawed and I expect myself and others do acted, sometimes, in a manner consistent with those flaws, to be selfish, to be arrogant, to be cruel, to be closed-minded, and to be undependable. I just try to do better.
I expect that those flaws will lead to systemic injustice and for that reason, I prefer that most of my corrective energy be spend fixing the systems, loving the people, and bringing the good news of God's grace and love to both systems and people.
The thing that makes me most angry is when people use anger as an excuse for harming others or being destructive. I am not angry at them for being angry, just for contributing to a culture where anger justifies evil.
And, even that anger that I feel, must be processed because solving problems is more important than ranting about them.