Give Us This Bread
On March 18 - A Digest

Our Refuge



When We’ve Been There Ten Thousand Years Bright, Shining as the Sun

 “  For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.” – Psalm 90:4

 “  But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day”. – II Peter 3:8 

Where will you be a thousand years from now? Ten thousand? A million? A billion?

We live in time and space and are subject to the limitations of such. Time, as we know and experience it, is depleted and never regained.

Not so in our Father’s house.

There will be no wasted moments or years. There will be no waiting, no boredom, and no hurry.

Time will be turned upside down, inside out, and all around. It will be but a faded memory. Eternity, of which we are now at least somewhat ignorant, will be as real as the second hand is today. What is incomprehensible will be comprehended.

What is vast will remain vast, but our capacity to experience it will be transformed.

We may not comprehend it, but we don’t have to be ignorant of it either. We can at the very least, know this: There is so much that we do not know now, but someday will know fully even as we are now fully known.

It is about becoming eternally minded, living every day with eternity in our focus, in our hopes, and in our hearts. We are called to live on a different plane with an attitude of amazement.

“While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen…” is how Paul put it in II Corinthians 4:18.

It is a matter of choosing our view and sticking with it.

Can you imagine bright shining as the sun for eternity? I can’t either, but I can wait a little longer for it with the wonder with which a child waits for Christmas. Now is the time to make decisions for eternity because this is all the time anyone will ever get.

This is all the time that ever will be. We are about to step out of this realm into the timeless expanse of eternal glory. We are about to leap into God’s everlasting day.

