I Bow My Knees
World Poetry Day - Write One, Read One, Share One

Happy Beautiful Life and Birthday


Photo by aniestla on Unsplash

Life Is Beautiful
So is Keb Mo's music!

Just in case today is your birthday or you have a birthday some time this year, let's all celebrate today!

Together! All of us! One Big Party!

Happy Birthday - Whenever It Is!

The perplexing poles of gratitude and regret,
Pictures in the mind we cannot forget,
Unwritten sonnets, unsung songs,
Unfulfilled wishes, un-righted wrongs.
Tempered and enveloped by words aptly spoken,
Mended hearts which once were broken,
Loves requited, love extended,
Hearts united, truth defended.
All of life is blended in a stew
Of all and everything that comes to you.
Blended and seasoned by all you believe,
Life is all your heart will receive …
By faith, willing, hopeful, and eager.
All that is impressive and all that is meager
Is life, and life is very, very good.
Have a happy, happy birthday. You should.
