You Are Not Discarded
I Love You! Be Blessed

Where Do I Start Writing?



Start Writing

Keep Writing





I once called writing excruciating joy. It is the hardest work you will ever love, but it is a purposeful activity, and it is a rewarding activity. And for those who are hardwired to be writers, it is not an option. You write because you must write, and you write with purpose. The big question first is, what should I write about? Write about what you know, your own experiences, your own observations, your life, your beliefs, your journey.

Write what you know, and you will always be the authority on that. There are things that you care deeply about. Write about those things. It will engage your emotions. It will give you a voice. It will make you believable. Write what you care about. Don’t bother wasting your time with things that cannot engage you, that have no meaning to you. Write with your heart, right? With vision. Write what you can see in your mind.

Write about things that you can visualize that are picturesque for you. This will unlock the part of your mind, uh, where you can use picturesque language, where you can be vivid in your description of whatever it is in your heart. If you can see it, then you can write with vision about it perhaps is a soundtrack to what you want to write. You hear the music, you feel the dance. There is poetry.

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Just start and then, never stop. Here are some ideas to get you to the starting line.

First, you begin.
Then, you continue.
Finally, you never stop.
