Demonstration Labs
February 02, 2023
We are works in progress!
NASA - A scale model of the Douglas SB2D Destroyer at the wind tunnel of the Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California (USA), on 1 April 1942. Only two XSB2Ds were built plus 28 single seat versions, redesignated BTD-1.
We are demonstration laboratories for the truth that we embrace, internalize, and profess.
We are prototype, still in development.
What we add is conviction, attitude, and action.
These gather under the broad yet specific category of faith.
They, in turn, by the grace and power of God, contribute the twin evidences of credibility and authenticity through the thin filter of transparency.
Our struggles are the testing grounds where the quality of our truth is either refined or shown to be faulty.
One of my life's goal, at this stage, is to authenticate and verify, as credible, the core Truth of my life that I have chosen to follow.
I am weak, but God is able.