What We Lost
November 22, 2022
On this day, 59 years ago, we lost 3 significant men.
Two were Englishmen; one was Irish-American.
All three were best-selling writers. In fact, though he was President, one had prepared to be a journalist and anticipated returning to that career some day.
Aldous Huxley, the writer and philosopher, C.S. Lewis, the Don and author, and John F. Kennedy, author of "Profiles in Courage" and American President.
All were under 70. Huxley was 69; Lewis was 64; Kennedy was 46.
All were serious thinkers.
All shaped our thinking whether or not we are aware of it.
All left behind, a body of work.
This day never passes by my memory without a solemn pause and reflection.
We all lost something that day.
"Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God." - Aeschylus
Wisdom through the Awful Grace of God.