Losing Heart is Not an Option
April 03, 2020
Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash
It is easy and understandable to be discouraged, faint, and hopeless.
It is natural to feel the frustrations of all who are reacting to the times in which we are living. We are human, We are susceptible to losing heart.
That is why we are reminded and encouraged not to lose heart.
II Corinthians 4:16a begins with these words ...
For which cause we faint not …
Broken hearts can be mended. In fact, they can be made stronger in the broken places. Broken-heartedness is seen, at times, in a positive light in the scriptures.
Psalm 51:7 says that ...
the sacrifices of God are a broken heart along with a broken and contrite spirit.
There are many good reasons for having a broken heart. Show me your broken heart and I can tell what drives you and ignites the passions in you. It is only normal to have a broken heart for injustice in the world, for poverty of soul and life, and for suffering that we can prevent or alleviate. That kind of brokenness energizes us.
It is also normal to be broken within over the pain that we cause others and God through our own negative choices. That sort of brokenness leads to and predicts the possibility for change in our lives. Without it, we have lost some of our own humanity and pliability.
What we cannot afford is loss of heart.
II Corinthians 4:1 says that we faint not. In other words, do not lose heart even when our outer man is perishing.
Hebrews 12:3 reminds us not to lose heart when we face opposition and Hebrews 12:5 makes the same demand on us when we face correction by God.
So, the things that most commonly cause us discouragement are first, our own human frailty and limitations as expressed especially in aging and weakness.
Second, they arise from opposition from people, and third, from God’s correction in our lives.
Back in II Corinthians 4:1, Paul gives us one rationale for maintaining heart. It is our ministry. Because we have purpose and calling in our lives, we keep on keeping on.
The broken heart of calling becomes the heart that beats on when we might too easily become disheartened.
Furthermore, Hebrews 12 expands on that rationale with two admonitions: that we remember the example of Jesus and that we remember the love of God.
Losing heart is simply not an option - even when we know that the heart that can be warmed by a loving embrace can be broken by pain. No walls are allowed here. All protective devices are disabled. We must be vulnerable and valiant and that is the path of joyful calling.
Keep on keeping on!
5 words from II Cor 4:16: "... we do not lose heart ..."
Never lose heart.
To lose heart is to lose center and create vacuum which shall suck up something to fill itself. We may not want that calling the shots.
Losing heart is no option. Losing heart is placing our choices in the hands of chance. Heart is what controls us - center -core - choice.
Losing heart is not an emotional "emptying," but a void of choice, determination, and commitment.
Commitment drives when all else comes loose.
Our choice is to not lose heart, to maintain commitment to center, commitment to God, commitment to mission.
- Calling
- Hope
- Obedience
- Insight
- Commitment
- Energy.
Based on calling, with hope, in obedience, with insight, we commit to the energy necessary to choose => CHOICE!
Pro- Choice => CHOOSING not to lose heart in heartless deflating days of critical downturns.
Recession is no excuse to take a recess.
Choose to keep on. Choose to follow your calling to encourage others not to lose hope.
Choose to turn in the direction of hope when tempted and drawn toward despair.
Choose to obey the call to love when it is hard, when it is unrewarded, when the enthusiasm is just not there.
Choose to dig for deeper insight into the moments that are disturbing you and the realities that are rising up in rebellion against all positive outlooks.
Choose to commit, recommit, and follow your commitments be the difference in a world spinning out of control.
Choose to focus your limited energy on purpose and to draw upon an energy that must come from God.
Choose and be lifted.
May the God who made you for this hour, sustain you, strengthen your heart, and surround you with His love, grace, and peace. Through Jesus Christ. Amen.