Let Us Give Thanks
How Do I Get Blog Ideas?

Thank You


So much to be thankful for
Thank you.

Thank you for the capacity to recognize that I did not get here alone.

Nor will I stay here on my own.

Nor do I wish to be alone.

But, alone with you, I find refreshment in my soul.

Thank you for the alone times that draw me out of myself toward others.

Thank you for the people who surround me with hope and promise.

Thank you for precious stones, promising seeds, and profound sentiments.

Thank you for the gift of wonder, the grief of waiting, the grace of all your ways.

Thank you for food and fulfillment and the hunger that causes me to appreciate them more.

Thank you for the slight pains I have endured on the path to healing that i might know your healing mercies.

Thank you for the hope that has always kept my eyes open for possibilities in the midst of despair.

Thank you for always providing, even when it was not on my schedule.

Thank you for a family that has grown into a community and is more than I deserve.

Thank you for a community that has grown into a family and is also more than I deserve.

Thank you for friends in real time and cyber time whose words and thoughts challenge and inspire me.

Thank you for the gift of words. Teach me to use them with gratitude and grace.

Thank you for a reason to get out of bed this morning.

Thank you for rest and for this day of rest.

Thank you for things to do and places to go and people to see.

Thank you that I may, from time to time, retreat from these activities.

Thank you for moments with you and for your listening ear, but also, your voice that speaks to my very heart.

Thank you for the bible. It has been one of the greatest treasures of my life and never grows old to me.

Thank you for the church, flawed as she is and yet, always lovely, always a home for me wherever I go.

Thank you for pastors who have been my brothers, and sometimes my sisters for so many years.

Thank you for parents and grandparents who helped to make me, guided me, loved me, and expected the best of me.

Thank you for a wife who has been an example to me, a rock, a reason, and a best friend for so many years.

I thank you for my sons and my grandchildren and their families, extended and creative.

Thank you for the tea I have been sipping and the honey that has sweetened it.

Thank you for renewed health. I am younger today than I was ten years ago. Anyone still reading this can scratch their heads at that.

Thank you for the warm socks on my feet and the clothes on my body ...

For this very computer upon which to type my prayer that is truly for you, but also a call to prayer for anyone who wishes to read.

This is my closet, but you are welcome. I pray that this will not be one of those long prayers on the corner designed to impress that Jesus warned us about.

But I am openly grateful, Lord and could and will go on and on and on all day.

I have nothing that you have not given me in some way.

Even what it seems I have acquired is because you gave me the gifts I have and placed me in the right places with the right people at the right times to exercise them.

I have a head full of hair, albeit thin, a body full of energy, a mind full of thoughts and ideas, a heart full of love and joy, and enough challenges and irritations to keep me from ever getting complacent.

And thank you. You have given me a mission and a ministry and a passion to serve and a heart that breaks for the brokenness of the world with renewed energy to do something about it.

Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me new life. For your great sacrifice, I thank you. For calling me to serve, i am grateful and humbled.

Thank you that you are teaching me even now how to pray and how to give thanks and I offer these thanksgivings to you in the name of Jesus. Amen.
