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Excuse Free Living

So, what is your excuse? Turn it into a reason!
"If you've never failed, you've never lived."
Go out today and live. Do not fear failure. Use it!
Do not fear criticism. Learn from it.
Do not fear discouragement. Let it run off your shoulders.
Do not fear people. Love them and serve them.
Do not fear rejection. Keep reaching out to people.
Do not fear ridicule. Laugh at yourself and dance and be free to be silly.
Dance a silly dance and sing a silly song.
Fear nothing but the Almighty and the awesome, dangerous wonder of a cosmos that is ...
Greater than you and MUCH, MUCH greater than today's problems or worries.
Face that fear with faith and discover the majesty of grace and ...
And, in the face of grace, embrace LIFE!
You are loved and accepted.
You are as awesome as the majestic mountains before which you tremble,
More dangerous than a tidal wave,
More fearful to fear than an approaching army of conquerors because ...
You cannot be conquered. The only ONE you fear has confronted your fears with you ...
And set you free from the power of fear.
You feel it, but it does not own you .... not for one moment.
YOU are a key player in the war on fear and YOU are a winner!
Go forth and help set someone free today and fail a few times and then ....
This is your day.
Go out today and live.

