Random Ramblings
Encountering God



This little slave girl had powers, but she was powerless. Paul and Silas spoke deliverance to her and she was released from the powers that possessed her. That did not sit well with those who profited by keeping her in bondage.

She had special "gifts" that brought them benefits, but it was at her expense. Now she was free and they did not like that.

There are people in the world who profit, knowingly or, sometimes, unknowingly, from the oppression of others who are in bondage. When the gospel starts to liberate people, the systems that oppress go into spasm.

It is not universally popular to set people free. It has economic consequences that threaten the oppressors.

This has been a reality from day-1 and has its manifestation in every generation and context.

The details change, but the reality is always the same.
