Living and Marching Under a Banner of Truth
On Reorganizing the Seats and Mixing Things Up

Living in Readiness to Be Made Ready

God of readiness, of constancy, and of mystery,
Invade me, overthrow my stubborn reluctance and
Disperse my stagnant sentries who stagger the soul
And stalwartly resist that which you insist will set me free.

Mercy and grace be Your weapons of invasion,
My only defense is pretense.
Lower the flag that flies over the castle of my heart
Declaring autonomy and replace it ...

Raise the flag of liberation and spontaneity!
Raise the flag of serendipitous joy!
Raise the flag of righteousness and peace!
Raise the flag of readiness for I am ready to be made ready!

I am ready and I am rising from the place to go to the next place ...

And then .......
