Worship as Evangelism
Living in Readiness to Be Made Ready

Living and Marching Under a Banner of Truth


“Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth. Selah. “ - Psalm 60:4

We all march under one banner or another.

In a battle, it takes a courageous soldier to carry the banner, flag, or ensign. To do so, one becomes a target for the enemy always wants to take down the symbol of the opposition.

Why? Because the enemy knows that the banner gives the army its moral strength, determination, and encouragement. The army’s tribal flag is its rallying point. Around it all gather. Beneath its furls, they march.  Under its signal they fight to the death.

The banner waves in the breeze to announce that the people still stand as one with determination and fortitude for a common cause.

Our nation’s flag has great significance for those who love our land and the principles by which it is governed. For Americans, it has often been a symbol of freedom, constitutional democracy, and justice under law.

It points to our governing documents which declare that government is of, by, and for the people.

As significant at the stars and stripes banner is to Americans, there is a more meaningful banner under which the people of God come together. It is the banner of God’s truth, the flag that announces that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.  It is the hope that whatever we face, God is with us.

God’s banner, for those who reverence Him, is a reminder that we are not and never shall be abandoned, that we have a purpose and that we are led by an invincible leader.

The spangled banner of God’s truth waves still over the land of those who have been set free by Jesus Christ, the truly free and the truly brave.
