Just Get on the Bus
April 09, 2017
It was 1961. Laws were different then. Some were inherently wicked because their sole intent was to keep people down. That is happening all over the world today. Jim Crow had a franchise on the South. Businesses could decide, based upon genetics, whom they would serve and whom they would exclude. To defy these laws and break these barriers was risky. It would require some folks standing together, sitting together, and moving together. It would require some blood, some bruises, some jail, even some death mingled with a lot of uncertainty, much fear, and even more faith.
It would require getting on a bus and riding in the freedom ride to the heart of darkness, deep into Alabama.
There would be joy and singing on the bus, but the looming reality of danger was always present. It would change the lives of those who took the ride, but the courage it took to get on is beyond imagination!
It took a decision. Once the decision was made, that decision informed a person's feet and one got on the bus. Then the bus itself moved the travelers along.
But they had to get on ... and many did.
Recently, an historical researcher asked the question of some students, "Would you have gotten on the bus?"
The answers were mixed.
I heard this report in those moments between sleep and awakening with the news in the background and they startled me to wakefulness. The question was personal and much in line with the season of Lent.
Would I get on the bus?
Will I get on the bus?
Jesus got on the bus.
" And it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up, he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem..." (Luke 9:51, King James Version)
What is the bus I need to board today? What sort of courage and resolve will it take? What will be the risks? What will be the joy of it? What songs will I sing? Who will be on the bus to share the ride? What will it change in me?
Will I get on the bus?
Will you?