A Word in Season
April 12, 2017
"The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary …" – Isaiah 50:4
As we celebrate the beginning of spring, we do so with hearts ready for a change. We have grown weary of winter and anxious for a change of seasons. Spring is the season of hope and new life. It is a season of encouragement.
God’s Word reminds us often of the power of the tongue to build up or to destroy.
What a gift to be able to use the tongue of the learned, as a gift from God, to encourage and strengthen a weary brother!
He goes on to exclaim that God awakens him every morning with new instructions and wisdom.
You can have the tongue of the learned as well if you will listen to God, read His Word, keep an open heart and mind, and be willing to share a word of blessing with those who have grown tired of living.
The greatest privilege in the world is found in lifting someone else up and moving them forward on their road to spiritual success. There is no greater honor or joy than to be a part of someone else’s life story of God’s blessings through grace.
Often, all it takes is a word to bring spring time to someone’s winter of discontent. To give it, we must be willing and ready to receive it from God, to listen intently, and share generously.