Staying the Course
Keep On Keeping On

Too Blessed?

image from

It was a morning in 2007. 

I was coming out of the parking lot after a business meeting when an SUV swung around to my left in a one-way-the-other-way lane to negotiate a left turn in front of me. The driver then accelerated in a manner that suggested hurry and slammed to a stop in  the next round of traffic giving me an opportunity to catch up and read the nicely mounted plate on the back of his or her car:

"Too Blessed to be Stressed."

CHUCKLE - said I to myself with a grunt of superiority and wisdom beyond my capacity. After all, I had just been treated to 45 minutes of Mr. Leadership/Success/Got-It-It-Together John Maxwell himself.

I love those qualities in him. Loving them is one thing; applying them takes some work.

Immediately I thought, "OPPORTUNITY."

I had been handed a pontifical moment on a silver platter, something to wax on about while feeling superior.

While I was waxing thus and so, I had an awakening. It was halfway through the process of slamming on my breaks and testing their anti-lock capabilities.

The SUV had stopped in a timely manner to let a pedestrian cross the street in an appropriate walkway and once again, I was afforded a literary insight:

I could now write about humility. 
