White House Appears Ready To Drop 'Public Option' : NPR
Sharing Culture, One Tweet At A Time : NPR

Young High-Tech Entrepreneurs Get Noticed by NPR and the Dream Factory!

August 17, 2009

Companies large and small are discovering that they can't ignore Internet product reviews and social networking sites — and some of the new voices that must be heeded are very young.

via www.npr.org - READ MORE

Some impressive kids are doing some impressive work on the internet with their own company, OMNITECHNEWS. Robert Clark, age 12, spearheads the organization. Hear his story at NPR.org .

Their website describes their contribution to cyberspace:

"We are a few kids that thought it would be fun to make a webshow/blog. The original founders are Robert, Carson, and Lucas."

"The show started off as ClarkeHQTech but soon changed to OmniTechNews or OTN for short. Since then, we have had some amazing accomplishments. Our show is getting quite popular as well as our blog.  We hope you enjoy OmniTechNews."

Also, from their site is a description of their broadcasts:

"OmniTechNews shows are designed to entertain and inform you. They are videos that contain tips, unboxings, reviews, and much more."

Their topics are indeed current, entertaining, and informative. Recent postings include:

  • iPhone 3.0 bug restores all of your deleted emails
  • TomTom Navigation for the iPhone Arrives
  • Gmail Becomes the 3rd most Popular Email Provider in the US
  • Zune HD Pre-Orders Begin Today

Entrepreneurship is alive and well in America and residing in Washington State - among the very young.

Some keys to their success from their own observations are:

  • They are some kids. There is no pretension here, no requirement of status. They see themselves as ordinary kids. Great ideas are implemented by extraordinary people regardless of their credentials. Entrepreneurs don't need anyone's endorsement.
  • They thought it would be fun. Entrepreneurs focus their energies on what is fun for them. It is not frivolous fun, but the kind of activity that intrigues and energizes them.
  • They thought it would be fun to make a webshow/blog. Entrepreneurs make something. It can be something tangible or intangible, but they make it. They create it. That is creativity.
  • They started one way, but soon changed. Real entrepreneurs are willing to change things in order to accomplish what they really want to do.
  • They have had some amazing accomplishments. They celebrate their milestones. They enjoy their own progress. entrepreneurs learn to mark accomplishments with joy.
  • Finally, they hope you enjoy it. They do not lose site of the consumer and the value they can add to others' enjoyment and life. That is also what entrepreneurs do.

Perhaps in the new economy, the leaders will be those who don't understand that you have to be grown up to accomplish the impossible.

Great work, Robert, Lucas, Carson, Harry, and Braden!
