Before You Charge that Hill
August 12, 2009
Consider if you are prepared to die.
From the 1989 film, Glory starring Denzel Washington and Morgan Freeman, we see a prayer meeting. They all participated as if everything depended on what happened there and then.
It did.
The next day, they charged a hill and died.
They sought to take the fort, but failed.
They died as many have before and since in the heat of battle.
They died and their courage is remembered, but here it is their faith that shines as the source of that courage. It is their faith the gives them strength to face whatever lies ahead.
What is your hill to charge? What is your fortress to capture? What is your resolve? What if you fail? What if you don't? Will you charge the hill?
Pray for the strength to face whatever you must face tomorrow. It will be available to you when you need it.