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Pew Forum: President Obama's Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships

On Feb. 5, 2009, two weeks after taking office, President Barack Obama signed an executive order establishing the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. The new office retains the basic administrative structure of President George W. Bush's White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. The central White House office and satellite offices in 12 government agencies work together to encourage partnerships between the government and religious and community groups for the delivery of social services.

The White House office, led by executive director Joshua DuBois, has identified four primary goals:

  • Connecting faith-based and community groups to economic recovery;
  • Promoting interfaith dialogue and cooperation;
  • Encouraging responsible fatherhood and healthy families;
  • Reducing unintended pregnancies and the need for abortions, strengthening maternal and child health, and encouraging adoptions


This is a full page of articles and very good information on the state of faith based initiatives.

There is far more potential for these initiatives than have been realized.

Some of the positive things that exist after safe-guards are in place to insure that government is not controlling or funding religious teachings.

One is that the leadership and decision making structures are close to and responsible to the community. Board members come from the community. Additional funding comes from the community. It is the community that makes referrals and it is from the community that clients come.

Faith based organizations have a ready pool of volunteers and that increases the effectiveness of a dollar. Most of what happens does not cost the government because funds are being raised from additional sources and volunteers supplement the effectiveness of all efforts.

People of faith are predisposed to care about the poor and the welfare of the city. It is built into the DNA. It is taught as a core value.

It is good to see the line-up of the advisory committee.
