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Make-money-by-simply-driving-your-car.html: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

They're called "free car" programs or "get paid to drive" promotions. These programs do exist, although they aren't as plentiful as they once were. The key is knowing where to look and having what it takes to make you an ideal advertising driver.

via finance.yahoo.com  to READ MORE

This sounds like good work if you can get it.

You lose nothing by investigating the possibility.

These are the times for creative thinking, innovation, and extra effort.

This recession is going to produce some success stories and. while no one is going to get rich this way, some will use it to tip them over the edge while they build their bigger dreams.

Multiple streams of income flow into common rivers.

If this helps build your river, great. If not, that is fine, but find some things that do.
