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Christians & Politics: A Plea for Grace in the Debate

A Plea for Grace in the Debate  -  David Burchett

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Burchett offers a balanced contribution to the discussion of the role of Christians in current political debates. In this article, he reviews "Will Democrats Go to Heaven" by Dr. Gregory Boyd.

To that, I would add the affirmation that is central to our faith, that the way up is down, that the pathway to greatness is service, and that 'a gentle answer turneth away wrath."

To employ graceless conversation, strategies, and methodologies to simply win at political debates is a foreign concept to the Christian ethic.To malign ones opponents in pursuit of gaining advantage is sinful.

The quote by Gregory Boyd is right on target:

“Christians are not to seek “power over” others – by controlling governments, passing legislation or fighting wars. Christians should seek to have “power under” others – winning others hearts by sacrificing for those in need.” – Dr.Gregory Boyd, Pastor of Woodland Hills Church in Minnesota
