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An Open Letter to Conservative C - Brian McLaren

I have been growing more and more deeply troubled by the way so many from my heritage in conservative Christianity – in its Evangelical, Charismatic, and Roman Catholic streams - have allowed themselves to be spiritually formed by various conservative political and economic ideologies. It's been disturbing to see how many Christians have begun to follow and trust leaders who live more by political/media/ideological codes than by moral/spiritual/biblical ones.

As a result, I sometimes think that Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, and Fox News may now influence many conservative Evangelicals, Charismatics, and Catholics even more than Billy Graham, Rick Warren, T.D. Jakes, Pope Benedict, or even the four gospels. - Brian McLaren


McLaren is a lightening rod.

It is always risky to quote him - especially if one values ones relationships with other Evangelical Christians.

However, I find this quote penetrating and timely. I realize it can go both ways depending on how the tides are turning.

Our marching orders as kingdom people are probably going to be incompatible with any one political party or ideology. That does not mean we ought not join a party or develop political viewpoints.

We should always think.

And I think it is healthy if we differ, because that creates balance. We used to preach that in our biblically conservative churches.

In many ways, we have been experiencing, not a return to old fashioned values, but a departure from them.

While there are issues around which we may wish to unite and feel called by God to do so, I suspect that particular theories on health care reform, corporate bailouts, and economic policy are among them.

On these we need lively debate, even among Christians who are struggling to apply the ethics of Christ to each situation. We don't need more slogans, PR, name-calling, ad-hominum attacks, caricatures, or insults.

So, whatever you think of Brian McLaren, his is a voice that needs to be heard, especially on this general issue (the article cited is more specific and not reviewed here).
