Turning Up the Heat 1 Degree
America Mourns the Loss of Uncle Walter

Don't Lose Heart

  • 5 words from II Cor 4:16: "... we do not lose heart ..." Never lose heart.
  • To lose heart is to lose center & create vacuum which shall suck up something to fill itself. We may not want that calling the shots.
  • Losing heart is no option. Losing heart is placing our choices in the hands of chance. Heart is what controls us - center -core - choice.
  • Losing heart is not an emotional "emptying;" but a void of choice, determination, & commitment. Commitment drives when all else come loose.
  • Our choice is to not lose heart, to maintain commitment to center, commitment to God, commitment to mission.
  • CHOICE: Calling - Hope - Obedience - Insight - Commitment - Energy.
  • Based on calling, with hope, in obedience, with insight, we commit to the energy necessary to choose => CHOICE!
  • Pro- Choice => CHOOSING not to lose heart in heartless deflating days of economic downturns. Recession is no excuse to take a recess.
  • With that, I'm back to the field.

Each of these points was a separate "Tweet" one day this week.


