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Atrracting Birds and People

What are you attracting with the landscape of your home, business, club, or church?

A landscape in a yard is an environment that is shaped and sculpted to create a feeling of "home" for people and a habitat for whatever sort of creature they wish to attract.

What sort of social, spiritual, and environmental landscape are you creating for the people you wish to bring to your business, church, or organization?

If you can do it with birds, you can do it for people.

Attracting Birds through Landscape Design

What could be more pleasant than sitting on your patio in the morning, sipping a hot beverage, reading a paper, and hearing the chirping of birds around you. Then to look up and see them feeding brings a feeling of bucolic bliss. ... Read More

Ten Landscape Design Tips to Attract Birds

Quality Landscape and Design is one of my clients and I promote them without reservation because I know the business ethics and standards of excellence employed by their founder and principal. I have seen the pictures of their work and it gives me no small amount of confidence in what they offer their clients.
