How to Ride a Horse - A REAL Horse - Plus a Bonus
New Sites That I Have Developed for My Interests

Some New Sites From Friends

It is a privilege to welcome some newcomers to our family of blogs and websites. These are sites we have helped to develop for friends:

Decorating with Wendy - Wendy is a very talented artist and writer and it is an honor to showcase her work.
Quality Landscape and Design - My friend, Mr. Stonehouse brings years of experience, integrity, skill, and creativity to the business of landscape design and maintenance. Contact Bill or Josh for insights. Visit them also, with some vital links and current news at Quality Landscape and Design on Blogger.
Feeding Those Who Feed Us - San Joaquin - Feeding Those Who Feed Us is an outreach that means a great deal to me and with which I am intimately involved in the Central Valley. plan your next mission trip by visiting this site.
Federal Toastmaster's Web Log - Not updated as often as possible, but this site points to a vital and friendly Toastmasters' club in downtown Fresno.
Skater Dude - My nephew, Kyle, AKA THEWOWFACE is a gifted videographer in the making. This site features one of his skating videos.
Christian Women's Job Corp - Fresno - It has been an honor to serve on the board of this fine organization. This is a site in the making, but there are some great pictures up of a recent class and some information on the organization.
