Mother Teresa and Faith Struggles
Jonah 2 – Running Toward God

Other Thoughts on Mother Teresa's Faith Struggle

Henry Neufeld is always on target and in this particular Thread from Henry's Web, he makes personal application and offers a first hand understanding of how real believers struggle with the darkness of doubt. I thoroughly agree with his statement:

"I suspect the faith that is without any doubts of being shallow. Trust and endurance are separate things. Faith, however, is not so absolute as some would like to make it."

I was further encouraged with what I read here:

Songwriter, singer, pianist, actor, and protoblogger Steve Schalchlin responds to the recent news about Mother Teresa's prayer correspondence - actually her deepest, most personal prayers to a God she ultimately and effectively trusted with her life - and shared with her spiritual advisers.

Steve makes the assertion at the end of his excellent reflection, Living In The Bonus Round: The Doubting Faith of Mother Teresa:

"Faith is not belief. Faith is what you have when belief is out of reach."
