Plots and Plans
July 14, 2007
Proverbs 14:22 contrasts the plots of evil with the plans of goodness:
Do not those who plot evil go stray?
But those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness. (New International Version)
Realistically, there is not much difference between a plot and a plan, but in this case there is a vast difference and it is in the adjectives. Good and evil are eternal opposites and their contrast is enough to make the plotting of sinister things dark and ugly. Such plotting may be thorough, logical, and brilliant in its intricate design, but it leads the plotter and all of his followers astray.
Not every proposal that comes across your desk is worth the investment of your time, energy, and good name. Examine it. Know who it is that is originating it and what motivations have brought it as far as your attention. Even you can be led astray if the story is good enough.
On the other hand, there are people with grand and noble motives and a desire to do good and live with integrity. These folks also plan and they do so carefully. They may be clever and detailed as well. But they are different. They lead to love and faithfulness for they are rooted in these qualities.
Proposals of such a sort are worthy of your consideration. You may not choose all of them, but you can safely consider them .
By their fruits you shall know them." - Jesus
Matthew 7:16