Bob Burg on Winning Without Intimidation
A Little Comic Relief for a Saturday

Locals of Note

Phil Brewer has said it for me in his article on St Arbucks ministry:

"The coffeeshop atmosphere often feels like a sanctuary to me in which there is a real sense of koinonia (fellowship and friendship). Matthew, a twenty-four year-old Starbucks barrista, asked me, "Are you the priest for our Starbucks here..?" I replied, "Yes, this is my parish and my ministry is called, "St.Arbucks." "

David Wainscot issued me a challenge to handle what he does so much better in Self-Disclosure with Sun Glasses On.  The challenge comes in the note, but the reflections on the interview with Bono are worth a visit. I can only cry, "UNCLE!"  to the challenge. Go for it, Dave! I could neither beat him to it nor do any better than I anticipate him doing. I am ready for a good read.

Here is a quote:

Paul Tournier ("Nothing makes us so lonely as our secrets') suggests that we cannot know who we are except through the lens of...even asking questions of one another...and of God. "Known as we are known."

Note to self: explore intereelationships of Johari window/Myers-Briggs related to self-disclosure (as individuals and as community...Mark Artist speaks of "the interior like of a community'). I assume Len (fellow Myers-Briggs INFP) or Dream Factory TomMoltmann is helpful on God's self-disclosure... Of course, in the meantime there is inevitably the Bono  ... will beat me to the topic, but that's good.. I need to learn. And I know Moltmann is helpful on God's self-disclosure... Of course, in the meantime there is inevitably the Bono connection ...

Now that I have already thrown in the towel, there is something about the challenge that stimulates me. We shall see.

The smart money is always on reading Wainscot and Brewer.

My apologies to Dave for the scrambled sentences in the first posting. I think its fixed now.
