Solutions - Day 9 - Obligate and More
Skate Church at BT

Solutions - Day 10 - Necessary

From all the readings today (See  Solutions for readings), I am confronted with the conclusion  that all valid premises lead to necessities. We MUST respond to a presentation of truth either to refute it, comply with it, or ignore it. From Moses' sermon in Deuteronomy, the necessity is to be faithful to the covenant and show great care in the area of obedience to God. In Philippians, Paul tells his friends that the must go on living for their benefit and for God's purposes even though he would welcome a fast track to heaven. In II Corinthians 9:5 Paul sensed to do what was necessary to enable the Corinthians o give generously. In Acts 1:21 it was necessary to appoint new leadership in the church.

Some things we do because we want to; some things because it is convenient; others because they are imperative. What I MUST do today is disc over what I MUST do ... and then, do it.
