Ferral Cats and Domesticated Blue Jays
Collaboration on the Eyes (IZE) of Time

Only a Movie

Just Charlie: It's a Movie, For Crying Out Loud...

Charlie makes a good point. I've blogged on this phenomenon here. Specifically, I wrote a resource article called Da Vinci Codes and Overloads and another related to some of the issues raised by the film/book:  This Article. Finally, I was surprised and amused that more Christians take the "Code" seriously than non-Christians as evidenced by two polls on the Religion and Christian Fellowship Forums.

Check the results. They might be informative.

The first part of this article is posted at Pastor Tom's Journal.  The rest her is my observation. I have yet to see either the great opportunities or the great falling away predicted by may believers as a result of the movie. I am always ready to embrace a  great opportunity to talk naturally and openly about Jesus Christ. I am always concerned about a great falling away.

What concerns me is that we as the church might have simply sold a lot of tickets to a bad movie through all of our free publicity.

But I am not deeply concerned  at least not as much as I am about the signs of brewing gang conflict in a community our church serves or the thousands of lives lost this past weekend in Indonesia or the lives being lost daily in our wars around the world ... or the millions of empty, frustrated, hopeless people around us who are waiting to hear some word of hope, encouragement, and significance - the kind that is embodied in the good news of Jesus.
