Entrepreneurs' Table Part 3 - Attitude
Complimentary Blogs


We are between services here at the Fellowship of Joy. It is 11:00 A.M. and I am preparing for phase two or three or four or whatever depending on what and how one counts. There was breakfast and persona prayer and study, the drive, the last minute details, e-mail, practice, praise service, Bible Study, fellowship time, and now - 5 minutes of down time that I am choosing to use to post a blog before the 11:15 A.M. English service.

What part of that is worship? What part of that is preparation. Did I forget to mention a game of Solitaire and one of MaJong?

How spiritual is that? How spiritual isn't it?

Can't Solitaire be to the glory of God? What do I need to be doing with my eyes when I am praying? Am I not praying as I type this reflection? Am I not struggling with the big issue of how eternity penetrates time and space and how the God of the Universe become incarnate in human flesh? As I Write these words, my heart is exploring the wonders of "mudanity" when penetrated by eternity.

In five more minutes I will get up and wander into what is, at this very moment, a sanctuary of worship. I will kneel at the altar and continue this prayer. I will ask God to make holy the moment as I am doing now, and to speak through this miserable excuse for a vessel in whom are all the treasures of grace that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of me.

I am not wasting this time. I am waiting on God in the way that I know how at the moment. I am expecting that He will speak through me in a few more moments.  I am confident in His Word and content in His promises. Somehow it all fits together. It is not for me to tell you how or what works together for you.

In fact, I sense that it is not for me to draw any conclusions at this moment - or even to check my typing for that matter. Basically, I have to go....
